Hive Mind

Album: Hive Mind

Hive Mind
Titel Hive Mind
Dateiname CAR555_080_Hive Mind_Underscore
Beschreibung Underscore mix. Reduced version with non-worded vocal textures and a repeating cello phrasing which gradually builds with restless drive.
Komponist(en)Susie Wilkins (PRS) 50% [437186444]James Winston Green (PRS) 50% [462503964]
PublisherCPM Music Limited (PRS) 100% [701762663]
GEMA 29018000001
Labelcode 07189
Veröffentlicht September 15, 2021
Tempo Slow

Alternative Versionen

An eerie story of an unsettled soul. Ghostly mixture of piano and female vocals declares an air of mystery. Cello entry at 2:21 triggers a back-end build of emotional intensity.
Instrumental mix. Eerie opening with piano and subtle sound design. Guitar from 1:12 provides an greater depth while cello from 1:30 adds to the emotion.
Underscore mix. Eerie and unsettled feel with the ghostly opening piano ripples. Guitar and cello provides the extra emotive juice. Strings from 1:36 aids momentum.
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