Hive Mind

Album: Hive Mind

Hive Mind
Titel Hive Mind
Dateiname CAR555_077_Hive Mind_Alt Mix Version
Beschreibung Alternative mix. An haunting feel with the combination of breathy vocals, piano and guitar. Female lead comes in 0:35
Komponist(en)Susie Wilkins (PRS) 50% [437186444]James Winston Green (PRS) 50% [462503964]
PublisherCPM Music Limited (PRS) 100% [701762663]
GEMA 29018000001
Labelcode 07189
Veröffentlicht September 15, 2021
Tempo Slow

Plug me in
To the hive mind
Upload my thoughts
Before I die

Can anybody
hear me?
Trapped inside
a waking dream

Alternative Versionen

An eerie story of an unsettled soul. Ghostly mixture of piano and female vocals declares an air of mystery. Cello entry at 2:21 triggers a back-end build of emotional intensity.
Instrumental mix. Eerie opening with piano and subtle sound design. Guitar from 1:12 provides an greater depth while cello from 1:30 adds to the emotion.
Underscore mix. Eerie and unsettled feel with the ghostly opening piano ripples. Guitar and cello provides the extra emotive juice. Strings from 1:36 aids momentum.
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