You Go Girl

Album: Female Empowerment

You Go Girl
Titel You Go Girl
Dateiname PP083_04_You Go Girl_Full Mix
Beschreibung The female vocals on this song deliver a strong punchline that works like a rhythmical element and encouraging chant. A rich bass and cool groove deliver an urban feel with a retro wurlitzer and impactful piano that opens up the arrangement @00:50 and @02:15. Key: B Major. 114,6 Bpm. Full Mix.
Komponist(en)Steffen Wagner (GEMA) 100% [288753214]
PublisherWarner Chappell Production Music GmbH (GEMA) 100% [681717816]
GEMA 30872089001
Labelcode 24083
ISRC DEMS42200231
Veröffentlicht May 1, 2022

You Go Girl

Go Go Girl
You Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go On Girl

Alternative Versionen

Instrumental version of track #4. A rich bass and cool groove deliver an urban feel with a retro wurlitzer and impactful piano that opens up the arrangement @00:50 and @02:15. Key: B Major. 114,6 Bpm. Instrumental.
Alternate 1 version of track #4. The female vocals on this song deliver a strong punchline that works like a rhythmical element and encouraging chant. A rich bass and cool groove deliver an urban feel with a retro wurlitzer and impactful piano that opens up the arrangement @00:17 and @01:11. Key: B Major. 114,6 Bpm. Alternate 1.
30 seconds version of track #4. The female vocals on this song deliver a strong punchline that works like a rhythmical element and encouraging chant. A rich bass and cool groove deliver an urban feel with a retro wurlitzer and impactful piano. Key: B Major. 114,6 Bpm. 30Sec.
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