
Album: Corporate Climate

Titel Research
Dateiname PP079_02_Research_Full Mix
Beschreibung The serious tone of the song comes with the alarming lead synth as well as the rumbling synth bass. The strings come with urging passion and create a warning from the imminent danger. Key: A minor. 90 Bpm. Full Mix.
Komponist(en)Axel Coon (GEMA) 50% [273306674]Ralf Goebel (GEMA) 50% [268978590]
PublisherWarner Chappell Production Music GmbH (GEMA) 100% [681717816]
GEMA 29482758001
Labelcode 24083
ISRC DEMS42200002
Veröffentlicht January 5, 2022
BPM 90

Alternative Versionen

Underscore version of track #2. The serious tone of the song comes with the rumbling synth bass and strings that come with urging passion and create a warning from the imminent danger. Key: A minor. 90 Bpm. Underscore.
60 seconds version of track #2. The serious tone of the song comes with the alarming lead synth as well as the rumbling synth bass. The strings come with urging passion and create a warning from the imminent danger. Key: A minor. 90 Bpm. 60Sec.
30 seconds version of track #2. The serious tone of the song comes with the alarming lead synth as well as the rumbling synth bass. The strings come with urging passion and create a warning from the imminent danger. Key: A minor. 90 Bpm. 30Sec.
15 seconds version of track #2. The serious tone of the song comes with the alarming lead synth as well as the rumbling synth bass. The strings come with urging passion and create a warning from the imminent danger. Key: A minor. 90 Bpm. 15Sec.
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