Ether Mist

Album: CSI - Prime Suspects

Ether Mist
Titel Ether Mist
Dateiname NSPS364_095_Ether Mist_Minimal
Beschreibung This mysterious sci-fi retro track floats eerily with rich vintage synths and a driving drum figure that soon becomes engulfed in industrial sfx, unearthing the dark forces hidden among the shadows.
Komponist(en)Edgard Jaude (ASCAP) 50% [404772371]Leib Sandler (BMI) 25% [362303688]Udi Harpaz (BMI) 25% [125709774]
PublisherNon-Stop Outrageous Publishing (ASCAP) 50% [548216838]Non Stop International Publishing (BMI) 50% [543577728]
GEMA 24103917001
Labelcode 8903
ISRC QM2ZU1908980
Veröffentlicht November 30, 2019

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