Tangetto De La Muerte

Album: 100

Tangetto De La Muerte
Titel Tangetto De La Muerte
Dateiname MASSIVE1100_03_Tangetto De La Muerte_Full Mix
Beschreibung slick small-ensemble tango, piano, trumpets and boomy drums - plus some desert and some desperation, B-flat minor, 100,00 BPM
Komponist(en)Peter Holzapfel (GEMA) 50% [269093731]Lars Kurz (GEMA) 50% [217402206]
PublisherWarner Chappell Production Music GmbH (GEMA) 100% [681717816]
GEMA 15267649001
Labelcode 30095
ISRC DEOV11500944
Veröffentlicht February 15, 2020
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