Phat Prog Parade

Album: Concrete

Phat Prog Parade
Titel Phat Prog Parade
Dateiname GV1063_42_Phat Prog Parade_Narration 60 Second
Beschreibung Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. Narration 60 Second.
Komponist(en)Eliot Pulse (ASCAP) 20%Matt Smith (ASCAP) 80%
PublisherGroove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [608866906]
GEMA 12730401001
Labelcode 11746
ISRC QM2ZU1619494
Veröffentlicht February 4, 2012
BPM 95

Alternative Versionen

Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. Full Mix.
Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. 60 Second.
Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. 30 Second.
Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. Narration.
Urban - R&B. Retro syn toms announcement, with cheese brass and attitude. 95 bpm. Narration 30 Second.
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