Endgame Deadly

Album: Souls In Gravity

Endgame Deadly
Titel Endgame Deadly
Dateiname GOB013_06_Endgame Deadly_Full Mix
Beschreibung Ticking layers of percussion, FX, and suspenseful strings build to an urgent climax. POI @ :15 First glitchy riser. POI @ :39 Entrance of clock-like rhythmic FX. POI @ :55 Driving string ostinato enters. POI @ 1:00 Sweeping riser dissolves into silence. POI @ 1:07 Fast riser into driving strings and percussion. POI @ 1:26 A tense texture of percussion, strings, and alarm FX builds to a massive finish.
Komponist(en)Robert Leslie Bennett (ASCAP) 20% [345082866]Flaviu Ciocan Ioan (BMI) 40% [772238627]Márton Horváth (BMI) 40% [731558932]
PublisherBloody Glory Music (ASCAP) 50% [757060633]Groove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 50% [608866906]
GEMA 20354859001
Labelcode 19837
ISRC QM2ZU1702812
Veröffentlicht September 1, 2017
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