
Album: Trailer Tools Volume 2B

Titel Derailed
Dateiname FTTT002B_70_Derailed_No Rise
Beschreibung Production Elements - Sound Design - Soundtrack. An industrial-sounding percussive score with an array of driving rhythmic instruments. Fast. No Rise.
Komponist(en)Kaveh Cohen (ASCAP) 50% [349009853]Michael David Nielsen (ASCAP) 50% [346216768]
PublisherGroove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [608866906]
GEMA 11306602003
Labelcode 18759
ISRC QM2ZU1614746
Veröffentlicht March 15, 2006
Tempo Fast

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Production Elements - Sound Design - Soundtrack. An industrial-sounding percussive score with an array of driving rhythmic instruments and a rise. Fast. Full Mix.
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