
Album: Ethos

Titel Heresy
Dateiname FTET001_31_Heresy_Full Mix
Beschreibung War is hell. Deafening ringouts as explosions continue all around. But our warrior grinds on, stopping for nothing. Unsettling ambience gives way to percussive sound design swipes. Distortion and machinegun guitars build to an ominous riff and orchestral rise with attitude. Slamming drums take it over the top. Soundtrack - Trailer - Action, Epic. 120 BPM. Full Mix.
Komponist(en)Mark Moore (ASCAP) 100% [556837312]
PublisherGroove Addicts Outrageous Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [608866906]
GEMA 14382583001
Labelcode 18759
ISRC QM2ZU1615158
Veröffentlicht March 15, 2014
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