Healing Prayers

Album: Middle East Drama 2

Healing Prayers
Titel Healing Prayers
Dateiname ER1218_09_Healing Prayers_Full Mix
Beschreibung Slow atmospheric beginning with deep bass and male vocals but without specific tempo. Drums @00:42 lead the way to the next and more suspenseful part and then picking up the pace @01:14. Spiritual approach in three different levels of emotions. 120 Bpm. Fullmix.
Komponist(en)Cankat Guenel (GEMA) 100% [372347653]
PublisherEdition Elbroar (GEMA) 100% [822561060]
GEMA 27034193001
Labelcode 52589
ISRC DEMS42100894
Veröffentlicht January 15, 2021
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