Together Apart

Album: Intros 2

Together Apart
Titel Together Apart
Dateiname AM49_17_Together Apart_No Vocals
Beschreibung High string pads create shrill tension until a folksy, warm acoustic guitar comes in over low drones and mysterious swells, building in tension and anticipation.
Komponist(en)Matt Foundling (PRS) 50% [699257087]Stuart Roslyn (PRS) 50% [265219857]
PublisherNaomiville Music (ASCAP) 100% [496384600]
GEMA 26429871001
Labelcode 29653
Veröffentlicht October 30, 2018
BPM 72

Alternative Versionen

High string pads create shrill tension until a folksy hum and warm acoustic guitar comes in over low drones and mysterious swells, building in tension and anticipation.
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