A Gentleman's Code

Album: The 11th Hour

A Gentleman's Code
Titel A Gentleman's Code
Dateiname AM43_02_A Gentleman's Code_No Clock
Beschreibung Time to go because it's the eleventh hour. Percussion, huge brass swells and swirling strings. There's only one man for the job.
Komponist(en)Kevin Rix (ASCAP) 100% [183902363]
PublisherNaomiville Music (ASCAP) 100% [496384600]
GEMA 22707939001
Labelcode 29653
Veröffentlicht June 20, 2018
Tempo Fast

Alternative Versionen

Time to put your Omega watch on because it's the eleventh hour. Clocks, percussion, huge brass swells and swirling strings. There's only one man for the job.
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