Nostalgic Haze

Album: Ecstasy LoFi Hip Hop

Nostalgic Haze
Titel Nostalgic Haze
Dateiname AA029_51_Nostalgic Haze_30 Second No Vocal Fx
Beschreibung Get lost in a dreamy and hypnotic "Nostalgic Haze" slowly bumpin' with chilled, nostalgic keys, trippy fx, deep 808 sub bass, trapped-up drum and fresh strings all cruisin' together for a laidback, feel-good ride. #RetroFuture #LoFiTrap #Romance
Komponist(en)Jamen Brooks (ASCAP) 100% [343493753]
PublisherAudio Active Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [563641347]
GEMA 20653637001
Labelcode 29657
Veröffentlicht March 16, 2018
Tempo Slow
BPM 72

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