Clean As A Whistle

Album: Ad-O-licious - Advertising and Promo Bytes

Clean As A Whistle
Titel Clean As A Whistle
Dateiname AA005_09_Clean As A Whistle_Full Mix
Beschreibung Promotion - Advertising - Commercials - Whistle, Accoustic. A bouncy, playful whistle is joined by a acoustic guitar, upright bass, and finger snaps that prep you for the POI @ :25 old timey laid-back guitar solo. POI @ :50 it all comes back This piece will drive away any blues. 148 BPM. Full Mix
Komponist(en)Brady Ellis (ASCAP) 100% [348259633]
PublisherAudio Active Music Publishing (ASCAP) 100% [563641347]
GEMA 13517343001
Labelcode 29657
Veröffentlicht March 30, 2013
Tempo Fast

Alternative Versionen

Promotion - Advertising - Commercials - Whistle, Accoustic. A bouncy, playful whistle is joined by a acoustic guitar, upright bass, and finger snaps that prep you for the POI @ :25 old timey laid-back guitar solo. POI @ :50 it all comes back This piece will drive away any blues. 148 BPM. 30 Second
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