Buried Alive
Titel Buried Alive
Dateiname ATUD009_40_Buried Alive_No Vocals, Less Percussion
Beschreibung Feel the weight of this dark, atmospheric, bass-heavy electronic/trip-hop/dubstep track, bearing down with pumping textures, mammoth drums and morphing synths. POI at 1:08 hypnotic apreggiated synth oscillates while shimmering pads glide over the moody, marching rhythm. You are buried alive.... Electronic - Electronica - Film - Commercials - Indie Electronic, Urban. 70/140 BPM. No Vocals, Less Percussion.
Komponist(en)Jamen Brooks (ASCAP) 100% [343493753]
PublisherNon-Stop Outrageous Publishing LLC (ASCAP) 100% [548216838]
GEMA 14299203001
Labelcode 30275
ISRC QM2ZU1611568
Veröffentlicht January 8, 2014
Tempo Slow
BPM 70

Alternative Versionen

Feel the weight of this dark, atmospheric, bass-heavy electronic/trip-hop/dubstep track, bearing down with pumping textures, mammoth drums, morphing synths and haunting vocals. POI at 1:08 hypnotic apreggiated synth oscillates while shimmering pads glide over the moody, marching rhythm. You are buried alive... Electronic - Electronica - Film - Commercials - Indie Electronic, Urban. 70/140 BPM. Full Mix.
Feel the weight of this dark, atmospheric, bass-heavy electronic/trip-hop/dubstep track, bearing down with pumping textures, mammoth drums and morphing synths. POI at 1:08 hypnotic apreggiated synth oscillates while shimmering pads glide over the moody, marching rhythm. You are buried alive.... Electronic - Electronica - Film - Commercials - Indie Electronic, Urban. 70/140 BPM. No Vocals.
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