Titel Endgame
Dateiname ATUD006_75_Endgame_30 Second
Beschreibung Frenzied, agitated and futuristic orchestral action piece driven by heavy electronic beats and tense strings. Powerful brass stabs and bombastic drums overpower your senses while racing staccato strings and tension fx push and pull in Endgame. Suspense - Chase, Spy. 200/120 BPM. 30 Second
Komponist(en)D. Todd Sorensen (ASCAP) 100% [335456755]
PublisherNon-Stop Outrageous Publishing LLC (ASCAP) 100% [548216838]
Labelcode 30275
ISRC QM2ZU1611433
Veröffentlicht June 1, 2005

Alternative Versionen

Frenzied, agitated and futuristic orchestral action piece driven by heavy electronic beats and tense strings. Powerful brass stabs and bombastic drums overpower your senses while racing staccato strings and tension fx push and pull in Endgame. Suspense - Chase, Spy. 200/120 BPM. Full Mix
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