Titel Crosshair
Dateiname ATUD002_38_Crosshair_30 Second
Beschreibung Watch out or you'll get cut by this edgy, aggressive metal piece with dark, intense guitars, rock solid drums and thick bass. POI at :08 takes a more victorious tone with soaring leads and droning bass just to jump back into the fire for a climactic finish. Rock - Thrash Metal. 120 BPM. 30 Second
Komponist(en)D. Jake Emery (ASCAP) 100% [340552687]
PublisherNon-Stop Outrageous Publishing LLC (ASCAP) 100% [548216838]
GEMA 6118846001
Labelcode 30275
ISRC QM2ZU1611162
Veröffentlicht February 1, 2005
Tempo Fast

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Watch out or you'll get cut by this edgy, aggressive metal piece with dark, intense guitars, rock solid drums and thick bass. POI at 1:20 takes a more victorious tone with soaring leads and droning bass just to jump back into the fire for a climactic finish. Rock - Thrash Metal. 120 BPM. Full Mix
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