
Album: Big Beats 5

Titel Louder
Dateiname AZ079_10_Louder_Full Mix
Beschreibung Upbeat, danceable retro funk-pop featuring male solo vocals and gang vocals, with hybrid electronic/acoustic drums and funky brass. Block party music.
Komponist(en)Caleb Blood (ASCAP) 100% [513434583]
PublisherAmphibious Zoo Music International (ASCAP) 100% [496584887]
GEMA 21634973001
Labelcode 29656
Veröffentlicht August 21, 2018

Hey! (Hey!) Hey! (Hey!) Make that music play, I want it louder! (Louder!) Louder (Louder!) Turn it up all the way, don't make it stop! (Stop!) Stop (Stop!) Don't ever turn it down, I wanna hear it all the way from outer space cuz it's so loud. Bring everyone outside, dance for the whole night. We're gonna loosen up, and have some fun, everyone's just a little uptight. We're gonna shake the whole block with everything we got, with every CD, iPod, Record Player, Cassette Tape, and a Boombox. Gotta turn it up, I wanna hear the beat hit hard on my eardrums. Gotta crank that volume loud, loud, loud, loud. Wanna make you feel like nothing in the world could bring you down now. Gotta crank that volume loud, loud, loud, loud.

Alternative Versionen

Upbeat, danceable retro funk-pop featuring hybrid electronic/acoustic drums and funky brass. Block party music.
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