Aftermath Rise Hit Drone Endings

Aftermath Rise Hit Drone Endings
Volume MB012
Titel Aftermath Rise Hit Drone Endings
Beschreibung The definitive collection of rise, hit, drone endings. We sincerely hope you'll never let a piece of music end awkwardly again. We've worked hard to ensure that you get the exact epic ending you need by providing all Aftermath endings in every key. Each drone avoids using thirds, so the endings will work with major or minor keys. Choose from the ready-to-go full mix, or roll your own ending with the provided stems of each element. Not musical? No problem. We've made finding the right key easy with reference tones you can quickly audition to find the key that works best with your preceding music. If the music has to end, the ending may as well be legendary!
Ursprüngliches Erscheinungsdatum 30. November 2015
Tracks 39
Label MindBenders

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