I'll Never Fall
Titel I'll Never Fall
Dateiname CAR297_12_I'll Never Fall_Full Mix Vocal
Beschreibung Medium slow tempo country ballad features male vocals slide guitar
Komponist(en)Martyn Laight (PRS) 100% [279064929]
PublisherCRML Limited (PRS) 100% [627347242]
GEMA 5247273 002
Labelcode 7189
Veröffentlicht December 31, 1999

Baby I got your picture
Sitting on my TV
I look at you every morning
I'm so glad to know you, doesn't it show you
How much you mean to me

I take to church on Sundays
I always hold your hand
I had a talk with Jesus
And say what is forever, at least we're together
Why can't she understand

I'll never fall in love again
It's a hell of a long way down
When the higher than high, gets you lower than low
But you still can't touch the ground
It breaks your heart, shatters your dreams
Yet you rip it apart at the seams
It aint for me, i'll never be, In love again
I'd give you it all, and i'll never fall, In love again

Dinner for two in the city, strawberries and champagne
Take you for walks in the country
What more can I do than I do for you
I'm trying hard to explain

Chorus X 2

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